Episode 24: What Happens When You're Not Grateful - Shereen Kassam | FunnyBrownGirl

Over the past week, two pop culture stories have taken over the airwaves – the story of Jussie Smollett and the story of Jordyn Woods and the Kardashians.  Both these stories highlight the importance of giving thanks for your opportunities.  This week, Shereen discusses the importance of being grateful and not allowing anger and jealousy to take you down.  We all have so much to be grateful for so let’s count our blessings and practice gratitude.



    1. If you are interested in becoming a full-time creative entrepreneur, the fashion industry, or doing social good check out last week’s episode with co-founder of Thandos Shoes, JG Ayodele
    2. If you want to learn more about my story or becoming a stand-up comedian check out my interview on the fun French podcast – Waves – by Max Solaro
    3. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter where I will be including competitions/fellowships for creatives and artists
    4. In two weeks, I will be speaking on how to promote yourself. If you have any questions send them my way – info@funnybrowngirl.com

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FunnyBrownGirl – @funnybrowngirl

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Shereen Kassam: twitter.com/funnybrowngirl

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Shereen Kassam: https://www.youtube.com/c/FunnyBrownGirl

Connect via Email

Shereen Kassam – info@funnybrowngirl.com


Check out this episode!